domingo, 21 de junio de 2015

Which training courses would you like to have access to as a teacher? Why? Which is, in your opinion, the best way to share good practice amongst teaching professionals? Why?

From my point of view, teaching is a job that encourages your own growth because to do it well requires your own continuous education. There is no denying that teachers are constantly learning. It is widely recognised the need to improve the education and professionalism of teachers in order to increase student attainment and interest in each subject. Thanks to this educational institution, we can choose from various types of teachers training courses depending on your area, level, online or face-to-face courses and so on. Most courses are taught by secondary school teachers and this fact is really important as we can share good practices. They know what is interesting, motivating in class and what doesn’t attract students’ attention.

Everybody knows that English is so important for teachers. Nowadays, there are plenty of options to study English: online courses, speaking courses, how to teach your subject in English and many more. But, in my opinion teachers need training courses where we can be fully immersed in the life of a teacher from day one; you also spend time in at least one other school to gain the broad experience required to become a qualified teachers.

Other courses that are essential for teachers are ICT courses. If you have solid background knowledge about new technology, you will benefit from the wide array of practical activities. One interesting course about this area is practical uses for mobile technology as tablets or smartphones. I think that the use of mobile technology gives your students the incentive to participate in the activity by engaging them more fully.

Other fascinating training courses that I strongly recommend are:
o    Interactive whiteboards, where teachers will learn that an IWB can be a tool for engaging students.
o    Creative methodology for the classroom
o    Some course of yoga o Pilates.  From my own experience, I know that this sort of courses is designed to help you manage your own stress.

Finally, regarding the best way to share good practice, there are several options. One of them could be Moodle, for instance, to share and publish didactical material. Another one could be blogs where you can share your experiences with your colleagues and vice versa. Teacher’ community for sharing materials and experiences or exchange of practices in a partner school could be other good ways to share will your partners.

To conclude, I believe if you want to be a good teacher, you will have to do continuous training courses of your area, English’s courses and ICT’s courses.

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